Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bart, the Precedent Company may seem like your parachute!

Why I am creating this blog, to expose corruption in Indy Government.

Like many of you, I have had it with out local politicians. This machine needs to be stopped, take a ride with me on a journey to better days, by helping me to expose corruption in Indy Government at all levels.

This blog will not be like most of the others, I have a hobby with photoshop and Image Ready and will try to impart some humor along the way. My first offering will be on none other than "Bling Bling" Sheriff Anderson and our drunken corrupt sailor Bart Peterson. I hope you enjoy it!

Things that Indycorrupt's looking into:

1) Pea Shake houses;
2) Where certain CCC members live;
3) Concrete companies;
4) Developers connected to our mayor and tax dollars;
5) Payton Wells;
6) 300 East;
7) Frank Anderson and his goon squad;
8) Julia Carson;
9) Sweat Pea;
10) Black business people being shaken down for 20% "protection money"

This is just a simple top 10 list, there's much more to come. We will elaborate on each item as time permits, with much of our information being passed on the proper federal authorities.

Be warned right now, this is not a PC site. We will pull no punches, and we will hold all parties responsible for the misery imposed on us, the tax paying citizens without regard to political affiliations. IC is not a member of any current party, so all of you are fair game.

BE afraid, be very, very afraid if you have something to hide. We have moles on the 25th floor, IMPD, MCSD, the CCC, and an army of pissed off working class people about to run a train on your asses.
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