Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Julia Carson has a police radio?
You must make a public records request for police run #I072941470. You see, some of Julia's political opponents were exercising their own rights lawfully taking photos in a public place when a deputy Center Twp Constable (was it Carl Drummer himself?) said there was "AN EMERGENCY" (notated in the run) and asked for police assistance to Julia's house on the police radio....
--It gets better!
Did you (or anyone else) know that Julia Carson has a police radio and unit number assigned to her? Can anyone say "tip off the pea shakes"? If you make the public records request you will see that the deputy constable (was it Carl himself) used Julia's radio. Julia Carson has police car #9740 assigned. The proof is in the public record!!!
Officers arrived and professionally allowed the citizens to continue to exercise their constitutional rights.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Info to pass on, and a copied graphic
I liked this picture, and here's some info about another protest.
Spread the word...
On Saturday October 27th, there will be a massive protest starting at 2 p.m.
Thousands of people will attend and organization is under way. We need people marching and chanting. We need to unite whether Republicans, Democrats, or or or poor...homeowners or renters. This time we must send a strong message back to our government and start the process of removing these politicians from power>
Event: Tax Scamed Saturday
Date: Saturday October 27th
Time: 2 p.m.
Location. Monument Circle
Public Speech Forum - south side of the monument
Activist Leaders / Public officials - north side of the monument.
Booths and events surrounding the monument.
Scary costumes and grim reapers allowed. We will focus on a way to vote out the corruption in our city. Spread the word to every neighborhood in the city as this will be a party like no other!
October 17, 2007
4 more years until Indy's destroyed
- Links for reference to what it's going to look like:
If things do not improve here I will move to Indianapolis!!!!
- 8:13 PM Darla said...
Black Indianapolis vs. Black Detroit
Hey Brother Akindele,
Hoosiers who think Detroit, Michigan has problems better think twice.
Indianapolis, Indiana has a major problem that’s hurling downward like a meteorite, destroying everything in its path. Don’t be fooled with Indiana Black Expo and the Coca-Cola Classic “wez black folk all happy” fluffery. That’s just annual economic development for Downtown Indianapolis, Inc.-- and black businesses in Indiana are NOT at the table. These “kum ba yas” double as way to give funds to “pet” not-for-profit organizations controlled by crooked black legislators and their girlfriends/boyfriends, friends & relatives, offering relatively nothing of marketable value in return. These funds are usually to “Celebrate Diversity” without having to “really” do anything for blacks. You see, our black politicians have sold OUR rights to opportunities in the City of Indianapolis in exchange for their social and political platforms and slush-funds, these not-for-profit organizations.
Speaking of crooked politicians, now these SAME not-for-profits can now be certified as a disadvantaged human being as a “protected class”. That’s the same class that allows government to have set-aside programs for women and certain minorities. Yes, an “Entity” in Indiana, can be a “protected class”, but not really--just in Indiana. Which reminds me, our black legislators should at least have a high school education? They’ll comprehend law better.
Yes an “Entity” can now win a contract over a black man or black women to take advantage of set-aside money. I wonder of a women or minority can use this same “protected class” status to take advantage of all those GRANTS that not-for-profits can apply for? NO, of course not
Most corporate diversity initiatives, (funds) it’s always about the dollars, are focused on the old-school “something for nuthin” concept. This was introduced during a time in Indianapolis black history when our ‘black militant leaders” were demanding things because they felt white America owed reparations, and they convinced our white leaders that “they” would collect on behalf of the black men, women and children. To this date, there are hundreds of women-owned and black businesses across Indiana that could provide services and perhaps more focused and positive exposure in our communities.
Yet, instead of contracting with these women and minority owned businesses, corporate America and our government is GIVING money to these not-for-profits who continue to ENTERTAIN tens of thousands of black folks each year during Black Expo and the Classic, while increasing the burden on tax payers—while year after year the economic and social status in the black community declines. Concerts don’t educate, Tavis Smiley and Sinbad speaking for 50 minutes I a large auditorium talking about his life, does educate, dance contest, galas, don’t educate. We are spending too much money that is intended for the minority community on ENTERTAINMENT.
There are MANY wonderful not-for-profits who get very little, like the Martin “Sickle Cell” Center on 35th College. They really need some funding.
We must stop bypassing legitimate black businesses that offer more than just a corporate luncheon for $2000 a table and a banner, but who offer actual products or services in return. Black businesses in the city of Indianapolis have received only a paltry 1-3 percent of city contracting 12-14% less than the commitment. Shameful.
You think DETROIT has problems? Look at the “high-quality” black elected officials Detroit has representing THEIR city.
Now, look at OUR new majority black representatives and what has happened to Indianapolis only after 4 years under their “absolute” rule.
Can you imagine how much time it will be before Indianapolis becomes Detroit and Detroit becomes the place we want to move to?
If the democrats in Marion County are elected AGAIN for 4 more years, they are going for EVERYTHING!!!! Every Contract, Every Dollar and ship it overseas. They will invoke the same shameful “parliamentary procedure” moves and "Roberts rules of Order" trumps the "Law" non-sense, this came from a licensed Attorney--they will RAMROD us with taxes and steal, steal, steal.
4 more years, that's all it will take. Look at the behavior of these black elected officials, its SHOCKING, the President of the counsel and the attorney who is supposed to be representing the council, is illegally blocking the President’s ethics investigation: Look at the exchange between Dr. Borst and them:
A constituent asked Monroe Gray ”why he voted on his own ethics hearing” hear his explanation.
Think about this for a moment, and PLEASE, VIEW THE VIDEO IF UNSURE before you answer this question:
“It's less than a MONTH from the election and LOOK how they are behaving, in OPEN view, ON camera. Humm…aren't we supposed to be at our best behavior, after-all we are campaigning?”
Well, guess what American, this IS their best behavior!!!! Use you imagination to determine what their "real" behavior is like, you'll be on the mark? Talk about hoodwinked. Still not sure? PLEASE, REVIEW THE VIDEO. If you are not sure, you HAVEN’T viewed the video. They are actually VERY funny (-:, you’ll probably want to keep them forever. Take at look at this one, it will crack you up:
Still not sure? Check this one out!!!
Running government is HARD--maintaining race-relations is even HARDER, especially in a city with a growing black population.
Indianapolis politics is involved in a power struggle between the black controlled city-county council/7th congressional district and its citizens. While the citizens left government to monitor itself they NOW realize the candidates that were subsequently elected do no possess the qualities necessary to lead our city and many have been involved in questionable conduct.
In our absence, over the years officials from both parties, in order to deal with the growing influential black voter, decided to make THEIR lives simpler and more predictable by just “agreeing behind closed doors” WHO would be Congressperson, WHO would be Mayor, WHO would be Judge, WHO would be on the CCC. Even future positions have already been negotiated, behind closed doors!
Under this system, the black person usually selected lacked formal education and was unable to get crossover votes--assuring they would never get uppity and run for Mayor or the Senate. A congressperson “should” also posses the necessary intellect and communication skills to be Mayor or a US Senator, otherwise they SHOULD NOT be in our nations capitol speaking on Hoosiers behalf, black OR white. Thus, under this system we acquired our set of black legislators. Not from the cream rising to the top, but back door deals with antiquated white party people and “dumb” black legislators.
This is the WORST type of racism ever played on black people in Indianapolis!
It’s SICK!
Our representatives must be FIT for the job, not just Black!
Our representatives must be educated, accomplished, healthy and ethical. We must have choices. No more carving up the positions by races behind closed doors, unless YOU take the Julia Carson’s. We want a 2007 newer model.
What we should EXPECT?!
From today on, so that we can regain balance, we MUST STOP THINKING ABOUT RACE when we vote on November 6, 2007. We are allowing representatives who not only lack the basic communications and reading skills necessary to represent this community but who are now ABUSING it by secretly raiding government contract set-aside companies with bogus start-up companies.
Many keep asking, when are the Feds going to get involved with what’s going on in the City of Indianapolis and Center Township. I’m sure this same “Carson Crew” or the Ghetto Mafia, are wondering the same thing. What do YOU think they are doing in the meantime…? Guess, think REAL hard now.
These legislators are caged lions, they MUST continue to fight until they are drug away, kicking and screaming all the way to the slammer. They will fight even worse than you’ve just seen on the videos above after the election.
4 More years of this and this city WILL BE DESTROYED and possibly bankrupt.
They are fighting using tax paying money, and RAISING out taxes to do.
We must send them go back into the private sector where competition will deal with them. We cannot continue to allow them to beat us up with OUR resources.
Worth repeating, Detroit here we come!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Indianapolis 101: Conservatives Must Save The Circle City Or Fall Like Detroit by Akindele Akinyemi
I had a very long and intense conversation with my sister Attorney Darla Y. Williams last night. She was giving be a lesson how her home town of Indianapolis is about to be turned into another Detroit. Now that is scary to me because I remember stopping through the Circle City on my way to Nashville many times and I can remember how nice the city looked.Let's take this clown for instance. This is Monroe Gray. He is the City-County Council president (Indianapolis and Marion County are running an consolidated government). The Democrats hold a majority on the council while the Republicans hold a minority.
This Democratic Councilman, Ron Gibson, struck a police officer last year. will run his bid for re-election to the City-County Council next month without the criminal case that has dogged him for the past year. A special prosecutor Wednesday dismissed misdemeanor charges accusing Gibson of shoving a police officer outside a bar in July 2006 during Indiana Black Expo’s Summer Celebration.
This is Sen. Glenn Howard (D) of Indianapolis. He had a pea shake (racketeering) busted in Indianapolis. He cried to the Indianapolis Star for writing the “biggest lie ever told” about his being involved in a recent pea shake raid.
If you vote for Peterson, you're an idiot
And that goes for Sweat Pea Monroe Gray, and the rest of the ghetto mafia running this city. IC has been sitting on the fence some watching some of the new blogs take shape, then patiently waiting for our main mole who has all but disappeared into the wind??
We are still watching, waiting, and looking for any opportunity to pounce.
Until then, get out and vote the right way for a change.