Monday, September 3, 2007

That Parade on Sunday was a joke

LS took the opportunity to ride on down there on the bike, then hang out up close to the however our battery for the digital camera went out early.

Things we observed:

Bart Peterson had NO voice, he could hardly whisper when he got up on stage. He was hardly audible, and must have had his hose turned on a lot recently. IC thinks he heard footsteps, more on that later, it's pretty interesting.

Who is the guy with Indy Go with the beginning name of Joe "something last name?" We ask as his employees had illegally posted his pictures on the front window of the bus, and we have witnesses. IC thinks we need to make light of this, but can't remember his last name. Anyone?

Okay, so Andre was there pressing the flesh. Frank was the master of ceremonies, he got up there and mush mouthed something out that we could not discern.

Then there was Julia, her Black 300 came up with the folks up at the mic trying to get the crowd to chant "We love Julia" one of two people half assed that. "chuckle" Now, IC does not know if she was into the ripple that early in the morning, or if she has just gotten that bad health wise. But, she could not get herself out of the car, make it on stage, or even stand up on her own. Literally three people helped her out of the car, while two others held her up while the 3rd held the mic. LS is not kidding, she mush mouthed a couple of labor this labor that, then she said something that really shocked us. "They need to come up there and put some of us in jail" WHAT? Not kidding at all, she said that clear as day. If you haven't seen the youtube we posted on here not that long ago, look it up a couple of weeks past, she is worse than that now.

Oddest thing of the day happened when the final truck in the parade came out. It was a red Ford, and it had "Greg Ballard" on the side of it. The crowd had all but left by this point, but there he was. Walking behind the truck with a couple of people and pressing the flesh for all he had. A lot of people were happy to see him, at least those that were there. LS followed him on the bike, he went one block and was done. It was both funny and sad at the same time, this guy IMO needs more support or we are going to get much of the same.

We'll have plenty of updates on items posted here for you guys/gals later on in the week. Until then, enjoy the rest of your holiday and stay safe out there.


Anonymous said...



The reason Greg Ballard and his workers left the parade was because by being placed last in the Labor Day parade we were going to be late getting to the Miracle Mile parade at Troy and Madison ave.

Anonymous said...

Dayum, so Ballard was placed LAST? So was that by his own account? Just curious.

Also, I would like to know how well he was received at the Miracle Mile Parade. I wished I had known that was happening b/c I would have been there.

Anonymous said...

Greg Ballard was well received at the miracle mile parade. Lots of folks clapping and telling him he has their vote. When we arrived at the Labor Day parade. We were moved somewhere around the middle of north street. Then an official made us move to the back of the bus. DEAD LAST! Wonder who ordered us to the back? Oh well. It didn't hurt our spirits so we continued on and enjoyed the day.

Anonymous said...

Thank you anon for the update on the miracle mile.

I don't doubt Ballard was ordered dead least by the good ole man himself. [rolls eyes]

Anonymous said...

I went to the parade downtown with my wife and kids. I kept wondering, where the hell is Ballard? I couldn't wait around until the end, because kids were getting restless. Now, I know what happened. Total BullShit!

By the way, did anyone see Julia riding in that vet. Her wig was twisted, and her mouth was gaped opened. It was pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Fart, Bling Bling and the drunk Julia Carson were the Grand Marshal's of the Labor Day Parade. Now we know why Greg Ballard was last. November is comming soon you crooks. Beware!

Anonymous said...

They put Eric Dickerson last also in last year's parade.

Anonymous said...

Please make an issue over the IndyGO guy IC. His name is Joe Billerman he is the Finacial Secretary of the Union at IndyGo, the same Union that walked off the job 2 fridays ago leaving 1000's of taxpayers without a way to work. He is running for city county council out of Lincoln Plowman's old district.

Anonymous said...

Why is Julia Carson still in office?What is wrong with you people?

Anonymous said...

We the tax paying citizens of Indianapolis DEMAND to know why Joe Billerman was allowed to use company and tax payer funded busses to display his candidacy during the Labor Day Parade? Mr Billerman had his picture and campaign items posted on the front window of the city bus, as well as multiple additional locations.

This is an outrage, and we demand immediate action. So you know, this message will also be presented to local law enforcement, the mayors office, CCC, the Indy Star, and every blog out there.

Take action, we will not allow our money to be illegally wasted in this manner. There are multiple witnesses to this offense, and we are willing to provide proof. My Billerman himself, at the beginning of the parade route, told an employee that he KNEW this was illegal. Rather than STOP, and REMOVE the items, he chose to continue on. Knowing full well that his actions were breaking the law, this is the person who's running for our CCC? This is the financial manager of your operation?

If Mr. Billerman has any character at all, he will tell you the truth when asked about this. If not, then we will be happy to come forward and sign any appropriate document validating our claim.

This is what I have just sent them, wink.. let's see what they do about it?

LEO Supporter said...

Posted the email, cleaned it up a little for the mole. We will see what happens, someone may want to look up the homeless / food bank truck driver "Roscoe" who had his rig parked right next to the stage where this event happened. I want to say it was Gleaners food bank, but not 100% sure. I will look him up if I need to, as a witness.

Any way, I had already validated the information as I was also there, and it's now posted.

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